Download our booklet on Patreon for this lesson and all others in the past and future: Using nothing but Intervals and the Circle (Cycle) of Fifths (Fourths) we take our chord progressions and technique to the next level with a Piano exercise revolving around linking major & minor triads. We cover all the relevant Music Theory concepts and the movie theme-like connections between chords which make our practice time on the Piano inspiring and creative!
00:00 Performance
00:26 Preparation
01:07 Introduction to the Lesson
02:48 p5 & p4 using the Circle of Fifths
4:46 Chords with Circle of Fifths
10:00 Minor Triads with Minor Thirds & Improv
12:33 Major Triads with Minor Thirds & Improv
14:31 Other Diminished 7th Families
15:31 Triads with Major Thirds Skipping & Improv
18:06 Revision